Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  1. Article must have between 100 and 150 words abstract in English and Indonesian with four or five keywords.
  2. Article should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words, included references and footnotes.
  3. Article must be a study base on either literature (text) or field research.
  4. Article should be submitted in Word (single-spaced and 12-point font).
  5. Please be noted that Seri Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana allows quotation from classic languages in Latin only; any other quotations in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic etc., and any symbol characters are not permitted.
  6. Heading:
    - First-level headings (e.g. Introduction, Conclusion) should be in bold with a capital letter for any proper nouns and words other than articles.
    - Second-level headings should be in bold italics with a capital letter for any proper nouns and words other than articles.
    - Third-level headings should be in italics with a capital letter for any proper nouns and words other than articles.
  7. Footnote and Bibliography please click 
  8. The article submitted will be peer-reviewed by qualified academics; this process may take weeks or months. All submitted papers are subject to review of the editors, editorial board, and reviewers.
  9. The author should be willing to respond questions from the readers of his/her article; in case there is corrections, the author must revise the article as soon as possible.

Guidelines for book reviews

  1. Please include, at the beginning: Author, Title, Place, Publisher, Date, number of pages, ISBN of the book reviewed.

    E.g., Taylor, Charles. A Secular Age. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007. 874+x pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-674-02676-6.
  1. The review begin with abstract, three or four keywords and continue with a brief overall description of the book.
  2. The review may include:
  • The content and its complexity of the book.
  • Comments on the author’s style and contribution of the book.
  • Philosophical or theological methodology of presentation.
  • Position of the philosophical or theological arguments in its field.
  1. The preferred format for submissions is MS-Word.
  2. Review should be about 1500 words long. The name, affiliation and email address of the reviewer should appear at the end of the review.